Fire Ceremony

Fire Ceremony

Fire is an incredible element of transformation and by building a relationship with it, we can use it to help us in letting go and shed stories of the past.

As we gather in our medicine circle, we open to the directions, call on our spiritual allies, and step into sacred space. We are held in medicine songs as we do our work to remember our wholeness and call back the forgotten parts of ourselves.

The rhythm of the drum and rattles create sonic driving so we can enter into a trance-like state and do our work in the realms of spirit.

"The syllable AUM, which is the imperishable Brahman, is the universe. Whatever has existed, whatever exists, and whatever shall exist hereafter, is AUM. And whatever transcends past, present, and future, that also is AUM." - Mandukaya Upanishad

Let embark on a journey together!

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